Complete Story
Catalytic Converter Theft Targeted by New Arizona Law
By Anne Mari DeCoster
Storelocal COO, AZSA Board Member
Catalytic converter theft is an increasing problem in Arizona, and stored vehicles are often targeted. Self-storage owner/operators report numerous thefts of this type, particularly in Phoenix and Tucson.
Hence, catalytic converter theft is a significant issue to the Arizona Self-Storage Association (AZSA). In the current session of the Arizona Legislature, AZSA had the opportunity to deter catalytic converter theft and advance the association’s mission to strengthen the self-storage industry in Arizona and speak with a unified voice in the legislature.
AZSA joined a broad coalition of law enforcement officials, the AZ Scrap Recyclers Association, and other stakeholders in support of House Bill 2652 – sales; acquisitions; used catalytic converters – new legislation to deter this crime.
The bill passed on May 9 with an overwhelming majority and strong, bipartisan support. It included an emergency clause, so it went into effect the same day as soon as Governor Doug Ducey signed the law.
HB2652 strengthens previous statutes to provide law enforcement more power to enforce the intent of the law. The new law targets the distribution network of stolen goods. It requires those selling used catalytic converters to register, including fingerprints – which deters crime.
AZSA’s advocacy of and engagement in this bill generated about 50 letters of support to various Representatives and Senators, including the Bill’s sponsor, Representative Diego Espinoza. The letters of support were from Board Members and their staff, writing to their elected officials in the districts in which they live and work.
AZSA is fortunate enough to be served by Triadvocates, Arizona’s #1 lobbying firm, who coordinated AZSA’s support of HB 2652. In addition to ensuring that letters of support from AZSA members were well received by Senators and Representatives, Triadvocates reached out in person to key members of the Arizona Legislature to convey AZSA’s position. Triadvocates also registered our support on the Arizona Legislature’s online system for all lawmakers to view before the floor vote.
Working with both Democrats and Republicans to pass this Bill, AZSA strengthened bipartisan awareness of and support for our association, built over the past 25 years by AZSA’s ongoing legal and legislative efforts. Thank you to all AZSA members who supported this bill. This is your association, at work for you.
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